Alles in Butter


We use the phrase alles in Butter when we try to emphasize that everything is fine or all is good. "Alles in Butter" is mostly used by the elderly or the cooks...

For example:

A: Ist bei der Party alles in Butter? (Is everything okay at the party?)

B: Ja, alles ist in Ordnung. (Yes, everything is fine.)

Original photo:

The origin of the phrase: 

In the Middle Ages (im Mittelalter) the merchants (die Händler) poured (gossen) liquid butter (die Butter) to the fragile items, glasses (die Gläser). When the butter hardened (verhärtete) again, these fragile items (zerbrechliche Artikel) would not break (würden nicht brechen) that easily (einfach)

When (Als) the merchants (die Händler) arrived (ankamen) at a destination (der Bestimmungsort), usually the first thing they were asked (gefragt) was: "Ist alles noch in Butter?" ("Is everything still in butter?"). That's how the phrase was formed (gebildet).

Expressions similar to "Alles in Butter" are "Alles ist in Ordnung" or "Das geht in Ordnung" or "Das geht klar".

Similar expressions to "Alles in Butter":

Alles bestens. (=All the best.)

Alles klar! (=Everything is fine.)

Alles in bester Ordnung. (=Everything is alright.)

Das ist erledigt. (=It is settled.)



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