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Conjugation of lesen = to read *Present tense*

The German verb for "read" is "lesen". The conjugation of "lesen" in the present tense is also quite similar in structure as it is in English. It stands at the second place in the sentence after the subjective. In case of questions it stands at the first place in the sentence. 

However, the verb "lesen" has different forms in every subjective case (ich, du, er, sie, es, man, wir, ihr, sie, Sie). "Lesen" is an irreguar verb. The common logic is that we put the different endings to the stem of the verb LES respectively (except for the second and third singular subjective case):

ich lese
du/er/sie/es/man liest
ihr lest
wir/sie/Sie lesen

Unless we talk about an activity that happens regularly, we tend to use the verb "lesen" in continuous form when it's translated to English.

Example of a regular activity (translated to English in simple present tense):

Ich lese die Zeitung montags. (= I read the newspaper on Mondays.) 

For an activity that is happening now we use the present continuous tense.

For example:


Ich lese das Buch.

I am reading the book.

Lese ich das Buch?

Am I reading the book? 

Ich lese kein Buch.

I am not reading any book.


Du liest das Buch.

You are reading the book.

Liest du das Buch?

Are you reading the book?

Du liest kein Buch.

You are not reading any book.


Er liest das Buch.

He is reading the book.

Liest er das Buch?

Is he reading the book?

Er liest kein Buch.

He is not reading any book.



Sie liest das Buch.

She is reading the book.

Liest sie das Buch?

Is she reading the book?

Sie liest kein Buch.

She is not reading any book.


ES/MAN (It/One)             

Man liest das Buch.

One is reading the book.

Liest man das Buch? 

Is one reading the book?

Man liest kein Buch. 

One is not reading any book. 



Wir lesen das Buch.

We are reading the book.

Lesen wir das Buch?

Are we reading the book?

Wir lesen kein Buch.

We are not reading any book.



Ihr lest das Buch.

You are reading the book.

Lest ihr das Buch?

Are you reading the book?

Ihr lest kein Buch.

You are not reading any book. 


SIE (they)          

Sie lesen das Buch.

They are reading the book.

Lesen sie das Buch?

Are they reading the book?

Sie lesen kein Buch.

They are not reading the book. 

SIE (You)         

Sie lesen das Buch.

You are reading the book.

Lesen Sie das Buch?

Are You reading the book?

Sie lesen kein Buch.

You are not reading any book. 





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